Wednesday 28 March 2012

Problems, problems and more problems...

After our class today concerning repatriation of the remains of indigenous people, I was left with food for thought. Having only recently switch my major from Biology to Anthropology, I have noticed a definite different in tone between classes in these two categories. In my anthropology classes, I find that we often talk about "problems" - like the social constraints of repatriation, or human behaviour surrounding HIV/AIDS, or genocide, or cultural differences, or lack of resource distribution, or corruptive government, or, or, or.....
Needless to say, there are many problems in our society today. I am sad to admit that these challenges lead me to hold a pessimistic attitude at times. In many of my Biology classes, we are taught "look what we've found!" instead of "listen to yet another problem with our society". The difference, I believe, comes down to one fact: humans are complicated. While studying us complicated creatures, many problems are unearthed, however discoveries and interpretations can be extremely exciting and influential.
While I may appear to be whining about anthropology, this is not a my intention. Humans and primates awe me on a daily basis, and I am proud to be studying them. With the wonderful diversity of human life comes a diversity of different types of problems. I am excited to be part of the team of people who discuss those problems and bring awareness to them, as well as attempting to tackle these problems with solutions. Cheers to anthropology and the anthropologists who attempt to make sense of us crazy creatures!

Humans can be awesome, am I right?! 

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