What I learned from the website was that the Chiribaya people of Peru buried their pet dogs in graves right next to their owners. They even provided their dogs with grave goods of llama and fish bones to enjoy in their afterlife! What more could a dog want?
The first dog shown above is an estimated 1000 years old, while the second is an estimated 3000 years old. As you can see, the dogs are remarkably well preserved. This is due to the dry climate as well as the burial technique used (which, for some, involved being wrapped in a blanket). Likely used as herding dogs and as companions, these dogs made a mark on their owners and therefore on the archaeological record. Pretty heart-warming if you ask me.
This is really neat. I was JUST reading about child burials and how in Peru they have uncovered little children in urns buried with their dogs! I have never heard of something like that! Really interesting blog.